Immunologicals QI

Viser 104 af 104 resultater

Immunologicals QI

Immunologicals for bovidae QI02

Immunologicals for cattle QI02A

Inactivated parasitic vaccines QI02AO

Immunologicals for capridae QI03

Immunologicals for goat QI03A

Inactivated bacterial vaccines (including Mycoplasma, Toxoid and Chlamydia) QI03AB

Immunologicals for ovidae QI04

Immunologicals for sheep QI04A

Inactivated bacterial vaccines (including Mycoplasma, Toxoid and Chlamydia) QI04AB

Immunologicals for equidae QI05

Immunologicals for horse QI05A

Inactivated bacterial vaccines (including mycoplasma, toxoid and chlamydia) QI05AB

Live viral vaccines QI05AD

Live viral and inactivated bacterial vaccines QI05AI

Equine influenza virus and Clostridium QI05AI01

Inactivated viral and inactivated bacterial vaccines QI05AL

Immunologicals for felidae QI06

Immunologicals for cat QI06A

Live viral vaccines QI06AD

Feline panleucopenia virus / parvovirus, feline rhinotracheitis virus and feline calicivirus QI06AD04

Feline leukaemia (FeLV) recombinant live canarypox virus QI06AD07

Live and inactivated viral vaccines QI06AH

Live feline rhinotracheitis virus and inactivated feline calicivirus antigen QI06AH08

Live feline rhinotracheitis virus, live feline panleucopenia virus / parvovirus and inactivated feline calicivirus antigen QI06AH09

Feline rhinotracheitis virus (herpesvirus) (live), panleucopenia virus / parvovirus (live), feline calicivirus (inactivated) and feline leukaemia (FeLV) recombinant canarypox virus (live) QI06AH10

Live, inactivated viral and bacterial vaccines QI06AJ

Live feline rhinotracheitis virus, inactivated feline calicivirus antigen, live feline panleucopenia virus / parvovirus and live Chlamydia QI06AJ03

Live feline rhinotracheitis virus, inactivated feline calicivirus antigen, live feline panleucopenia virus / parvovirus, live Chlamydia and feline leukaemia recombinant live canarypox virus QI06AJ05

Immunologicals for canidae QI07

Immunologicals for dog QI07A

Inactivated bacterial vaccines (including Mycoplasma, Toxoid and Chlamydia) QI07AB

Live bacterial and viral vaccines QI07AF

Immunologicals for leporidae QI08

Immunologicals for rabbit QI08A

Inactivated viral vaccines QI08AA

Immunologicals for suidae QI09

Immunologicals for pig QI09A

Inactivated bacterial vaccines (including Mycoplasma, Toxoid and Chlamydia) QI09AB

Immunologicals for pisces QI10

Immunologicals for atlantic salmon QI10A

Inactivated viral vaccines QI10AA

Inactivated viral and inactivated bacterial vaccines QI10AL

Infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) virus, infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) virus, aeromonas, Moritella and Vibrio QI10AL04

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